Projects: Hydro-meteorologic Network Design

Final Design and Implementation of the Regional Hydrological Monitoring Network for the Nile Basin

Nile Basin Initiative, Entebbe, Uganda


Team Leader

Currently overseeing the final design and implementation of the hydrometric monitoring portion of a previously designed monitoring network. Coordinated site visits to all proposed monitoring sites for final review and design; worked with country representatives to address national interests and concerns regarding station priorities, implementation expectations, and sustainability threats; developed a draft memorandum for commitments among NBI and the member countries for sustainable operation of the network in each country; led a consultation workshop on the evolving design and implementation plan; oversaw development of final design documents and procurement documents. Coordinated scheduling and deployment of experts for civil works oversight and inspection and for installation and commissioning of stations; collaborated on selection of data management system tools; developed draft information products to be generated from the monitoring network; provided project support to NBI coordination team.

hydro-meteorologic networks

River Gauge Site Visit in Uganda, December 2019

River Gauge Site Visit in Uganda, December 2019