Mark S. Woodbury
Senior Water Resources Consultant
Mark is a senior water resources consultant with three decades of progressive responsibility in hydrologic and hydraulic monitoring, modeling, and forecasting, including reservoir simulation and operations. He has designed and implemented river forecasting and decision support systems throughout the world; led multi-disciplinary teams in establishing flood risk maps and developing mapping capability in Africa; facilitated stakeholder consultation workshops for multi-national collaboration in transboundary water resources management in the Nile River Basin; developed and delivered training in operational hydrology around the world; testified on impacts of reservoir and river operations in federal court; and served as the director of an operational systems center at an international research institute.
Mainspring Water Resources LLC, Morrisville, NC, 2020 - Present
Senior Water Resources Consultant & Owner
RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC, 2017-2020
Director, Operational Water Resources Systems Center – Direct center staff in development and execution of water resources management projects.
Riverside Technology, inc., Fort Collins, CO, 1994 to 2017
(Acquired by RTI International in 2017)
Senior Program Manager Project Engineer
Water Resources Group Manager Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeler
Program Manager Reservoir Modeler
Project Manager Forecast System Developer
Harza Engineering Company, Chicago, IL, 1990 to 1994
Hydrologist, Hydraulic Modeler, and Dam Safety Specialist – Conducted hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and frequency analysis for water supply, hydropower generation, and dam safety. Responsibilities also included dam and reservoir rehabilitation design.
Utah State University, Logan, UT, 1988 to 1990
Research Associate – Supported development of risk assessment framework for dam safety evaluation.
U.S., Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, China, Japan, Turkey, Somalia, Nile Basin (Ethiopia, Sudan/South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC-Congo, Egypt)