Projects: Hydrologic Forecast Systems

Alabama Power River Forecast System Development

Alabama Power Company
Mark Woodbury, Senior Advisor

Provided oversight and senior review on the reservoir simulation component and hydrologic routing model components of forecast system development; developed and provided training for APC staff in hydrologic forecasting, hydrologic model background and calibration concepts, and real-time adjustments to forecast models

hydrologic forecasting / reservoir modeling / training

Alabama Power Lakes and Reservoirs

Alabama Power Lakes and Reservoirs

Big Thompson River Streamflow Forecast System Implementation and Data Management Tool Development

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), Eastern Colorado Area Office


Mark Woodbury, Project Manager

Oversaw the implementation of an automated streamflow forecast system for the Big Thompson River in Colorado that is used to manage USBR reservoirs, diversions, and hydropower power facilities. Directed the development of tools to assist in automated acquisition, processing, and display of precipitation, streamflow, and reservoir data for both forecast system operation and system management. Oversaw operations support and training in the operation and application of the system and tools prepared.

hydrologic forecasting / data management / training

Olympus Dam Impounds Lake Estes on the Big Thompson River

Olympus Dam Impounds Lake Estes on the Big Thompson River

Community Hydrologic Prediction System (CHPS)

NWS, Office of Hydrologic Development, Maryland


Hydrologic Specialist

Participated as the hydrologic focal point on a multidisciplinary development team to identify and document usage scenarios for a conceptual CHPS based on a service-oriented architecture. Prepared usage scenarios describing broad categories of user interaction with the conceptual system as a preliminary guide for development and also to enhance understanding of the system among the potential user community.

hydrologic forecasting

CHPS Concept Poster

CHPS Concept Poster

El Cajon Hydrometeorologic Data Collection and Forecast System Development

Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA)/NWS


Project Manager

Forecast system operation training

Forecast system operation training

Project Team

Project Team

Managed the development of a hydrologic forecast system for the Río Santiago in Central Mexico to provide flood warning for the construction of the El Cajon Hydroelectric project. The project involved data collection, analysis, model calibration, and real-time forecast system implementation. Assisted in the development and verification of discharge rating curves for a network of automated hydrometeorological stations. Developed training material and provided training to Mexican engineers in forecast system operation, including procedures for updating rating curves.

hydrologic forecasting | hydraulic modeling | training

Santa Rosa Dam and Reservoir in the watershed upstream of El Cajon Dam

Santa Rosa Dam and Reservoir in the watershed upstream of El Cajon Dam